I do hereby permit Mrs. Kay’s, its agents, and other persons or entities acting under its authority (from now on referred to as “Mrs. Kay's”) the perpetual, irrevocable, and unrestricted right to use and publish, in whole or in part, digitally or in print, all photographs, videos, or any other medium, recreation, representation, or depiction containing my image, likeness, or publicity, whether mastered, blurred, distorted, (un)altered, or (in)accurate. I fully understand that the referenced photographs, videos, and any content derived from that place may be used commercially by Mrs. Kay’s for online and/or print promotional, marketing, and advertisement purposes connected to Mrs. Kay’s Bridals business, fashion, and related products, existing or yet to be created.
I do hereby permit any photographer(s), including his/her agents or other persons or entities acting under the photographer’s authority, employed or commissioned by Mrs. Kay’s to take and produce photographs, the perpetual, irrevocable, and unrestricted right to use and publish, in whole or in part, digitally or in print, the referenced photographs, videos, and any content derived therefrom for promotional purposes in connection with photographer’s website, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, six (6) months from the date of the event, and for photographer’s professional portfolio immediately after the event.
I hereby agree to release, discharge, and save harmless Mrs. Kay’s from any and all known, unknown, or unanticipated claims, demands, or causes of action that I may have now or in the future.
I do further certify that I am either at least 18 years of age, or that I have been legally declared an emancipated minor, and therefore possess the legal capacity to execute this authorization and release: